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Projects & clients 


Diemersdal brand Experience Measurement

  • Consumer survey. 

  • Competitor analysis.

  • Swot analysis.

  • Recommendations for improving brand equity.

  • End-end from ideation to results & recommendations.

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Standard Bank Agribusiness Roadshow speaker

  • Consumer Food trend analysis & reporting.

  • Conference presentations & Panel discussions.


Diemersdal brand

strategy consulting

  • Direct to the Consumer channels.

  • Social media Segmentation, Profiling & Targeting.

  • Online wine shop.

  • Wine club.

  • Label update recommendations.


Consumer satisfaction

with food labels

  • Survey measuring consumers' in-store satisfaction with food labels.

  • Recommendations to improve food labels.

  • Masters thesis completed while employed at NWU.


Overhex Wines International

strategy consulting

  • Consumer wine journey mapping.

  • Sweet wine consumer insights.

  • Dry wine risk reducing strategies.

  • Brand building strategies.


Consumer insights for Chenin blanc

  • Interviews and Survey measuring consumers' risk perception of Chenin blanc.

  • Insights into Chenin blanc purchase barriers.

  • Developed a novel survey questionnaire.

  • PhD thesis completed at Stellenbosch University.


De Grendel

Consumer insights

  • Consumer Solutions Covid-19 wine impact report.

  • South African white wine category insights.

  • Sauvignon blanc from a consumer perspective.

  • Brand building strategies.


SAAI and SA wine industry 2020

High Court case

(alcohol sales ban):

Expert Report

  • Reported on consumer profiles and alcoholic beverage consumption.

  • Concluded that demographic profiles of high volume alcohol consumers & trauma patients do not coincide with the demographic profile of wine drinkers in South Africa.


Free State Agriculture conference speaker

  • Farm to fork. 

  • International consumer food trends 2017.

  • Value added initiatives on farm level.

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SASEV 2020 workshop:

Consumer to Sensory to Winery

  • A low-alcohol wine case study.

  • Consumer trend reporting.

  • Integrated agricultural supply chains.

  • Product life cycle.

  • In partnership with Basic Wine and SenseLab.


Dealcoholised wine consumer research

  • Recruited and collected data on 460 South African consumers of dealcoholised wine for a M.Com Marketing project.

  • Survey questionnaire quality control and recommendations.


Online lecturing: Research methods

  • Lecturing the module Research Methodology online to the 2021 Consumer Science (Hons) class.


Older female consumers' clothing quality perception

  • Co-supervised a NWU Masters thesis with specialist input regarding:

  • Consumer behaviour theory.

  • Research methodology.

  • Quality perception. measurement

  • Survey design.


Daikin 2020 wine seminar speaker

  • Direct-to-the-consumer marketing.

  • Wine brand building.

  • Relationship marketing.


Sauvignon blanc SA 2019 technical seminar speaker

  • SA white wine category insights.

  • Sauvignon blanc from a consumer perspective

  • Brand loyalty.

  • Brand building.


Northern Cape Onion Producers Annual conference speaker 2017

  • Consumer food trend analysis and reporting.

  • Value added & niche markets.


Household food security

  • Co-supervised a NWU Masters thesis with specialist input regarding:

  • Consumer behaviour theory.

  • Research methodology.

  • Thesis structure.


Consumers and Wine: Guest lecturer

  • Post-graduate wine marketing module guest lecturer.

  • Consumers and wine.

  • Research simulation.

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